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Propel Case Study

Improving sinus surgery one stent at a time

PROPEL is the first bioabsorbable drug‑eluting sinus stent that delivers medication directly to the sinuses.

Intersect ENT needed an online destination that helped patients understand the benefits of a PROPEL stent being used in their sinus surgery. XDS designed and developed to be a friendly, educational resource for patients to dive deep into sinus surgery, why surgeons use PROPEL, how it works, and what to do post-surgery.

Our work included:

  • Content planning and development
  • Visual design
  • Development
  • SEO & SEM
  • Lead generation
  • Physician finder

The site well exceeded website data benchmarks:

  • 3+ pages per session

  • 4 min+ time on site

  • 51% bounce rate


new propel website diplayed on a tablet
banner containing the new propel website design

Physician Finder

XDS built a custom physician finder for that allows patients to find an ENT physician near them who uses PROPEL during sinus surgery.

propel's new physician finder